While we pride ourselves on our hospitality, visiting any church for the first time can be a little intimidating.  Everything from the lay of the land to the language can make it all too easy to get turned around.  At Good Shepherd, we're happy to let you get your bearings at your own pace, but the last thing we want you to feel when stepping into our church is alone. 


We're delighted that you are here. When you visit, please introduce yourself to the greeters, the clergy, the ushers, or other worshippers so that we can welcome you properly. If you would like to learn more about us, fill out the form below, or a visitor's card in the pew pocket and place it in the collection plate. You are invited to join us for coffee hour in the parish hall after the service.

Special Aids

Receivers for hearing assistance and large print bulletins are available from an usher.

Children and Worship

Nursery care is available for children up to age six from 10:40 until 12:15. The nursery is located to the left as you enter the church. You may pick up your children from the nursery after the exchange of the Peace so that they can go to Communion with you.

Children age 6 to 12 are invited to attend Children's Church from 10:45 until the Peace, when they return for Holy Communion. Children's Church is located in the Children's Sunday School room.

Worshiping With Us

You will find four different books in the book rack of your pew: a Bible, a Book of Common Prayer (abbreviated as BCP in the bulletin), a Hymnal 1982, and a bright blue folder (referred to as "The Blue Book"). Page numbers are printed in the bulletin. If you are having difficulty finding the right book or page, don't hesitate to ask someone sitting nearby for help.

Singing With Us

Hymns from the Hymnal 1982 are identified in the bulletin by hymn number. If there is an "S" before the hymn number (for example S125), the music can be found at the front of the Hymnal. In addition, we use a supplemental collection of songs from "The Blue Book." Songs from this book are listed in your bulletin with "Blue Book" before the page number.

Kneel, Stand or Sit?

We Episcopalians do a lot of sitting, standing, and kneeling at various times during the worship service. Generally, we stand or kneel for prayer, sit to listen to teachings, and stand for singing and praise. As the service proceeds, you may see some people sitting while others stand or kneel. You may choose whichever you prefer.

Holy Communion

All baptized Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion. Come to the altar rail as directed by an usher. Stand or kneel at the rail and wait for the minister to come to you. Place your right hand over your left hand, palms up, and the minister will place the bread in your hands. If you do not wish to drink the wine, you may return to your seat after eating the bread.

If you need to receive Holy Communion at your pew, please tell an usher.

Gluten-free bread is available at all services for anyone who needs or prefers it. Please let the clergy know if you would like gluten-free.

If you are not baptized, we invite you to come to the altar rail for a blessing. Cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you want a blessing. Your children may also receive a blessing.

Votive Candles

The votive candles at the front of the church may be lit when returning to your pew after receiving Communion (or before the service), in thanksgiving or memory of a loved one.

Healing Prayers

As part of the ministry of our parish, healing prayer is offered at the altar after the 9:00 am service and after the 11 am service with our healing prayer ministers. No request is too small or too large to lift up in prayer.